Thursday, September 8, 2011

Groovy Van

    Woke up little sluggish today. We went in the chapel and watched a guy talking about 3 different things, Simple, Fool and Wise people. It was interesting. Did some daily route with Saul, Juan and Gabi again after that and it started to rain so hard outside. Love the scent of the rain. The heat after the rain was not pleasant though.
      The kids here has a talent for music even though they cant hear. They can still understand how to do the music according to the keys or something, I'm not good at this. :( I'm learning how to play piano right now though. Hard but hey, a practice is what I need and I'll get better.

   We went to badminton practice and I ended up playing Kevin most of the times there. He improved a lot. Before he couldnt hit the bird like straight to the floor. He kept hitting it over my head constantly, giving me easy time to hit back and harder. Now he can hit it straight down but he still need practice not to hit it toward me. I played Jen as well. I think the bird loves her head more than her racket because she kept getting her head bonked. She asked me to go easy on her but its really hard to resist my urge not to give any mercy. Betsy made it worse and my meaniness slipped several times. :( 

   Later, when the staff had a bible study, I went out with Tess to her friend to play some dominoes. Tess's car is one big crazy, but groovy, and funny. When we stopped for a gas, she hopped off the car n then it locked, unlocked by itself for like at least 4 or 5 times in a row. At first I thought it was Tess playing around with her car keys. After the visit, it did the same thing but this time she was driving..... Her car definitely would make the burglaries cry if they tried to steal it. At first I thought she told me if she drove fast enough, the car would start up the music by itself.  How groovy and awesome is that? But it isnt what she said but if the other cars sped past her car, it'll turn her alarm on. Its definitely an anti-theft vehicle. 

     Looking forward to tomorrow and this weekend!

  Adios for now.  Peace.

1 comment:

  1. I can also drive without a key!!!!! (pic. on facebook)
