Saturday, September 10, 2011

Understanding PR

      Not much stuff to do today. I'm starting to understand PR little more. Sometimes at night time I thought it was crazy when the people drove through the red lights on intersections. Turns out the laws allows that so you dont get shot or mugged by drug users, or by gangs. Makes sense but I wouldnt drive after midnight anyways.

     Went to beach today. The waves was supposed to be huge now because the hurricane was closing in, but there isnt really a decent waves. Cant really snorkel either, too much movement on the top. If the weather isnt so bad tomorrow, I'm thinkin of going to beach n walk down the shore. I havent done that for a while.

     When I was doing bible study stuff with Tess this afternoon, she told me she heard gunshots for almost two hours. Some people was just playing with guns in the field far away. They sure have a lot of bullets though.

    I showed everyone a video about a guy doing an interpretative dance according to the music. It'll entertain you if you're bored.  heres the link.

   I want to hold a coqui frog again. They sing every night. You can clearly hear them. Funny thing is that if you bring one of those frog outside PR, it would stop singing all sudden and wont do anything till it dies. Smart froggies, not letting people take them all apart.

    Nothing further to add.  Enjoy the link I just posted. Good lucks!

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